Saturday 23 August 2008

Dentists 'pull out more teeth'

Dentists are more likely to pull teeth out or fit false ones than provide fillings or crowns under an NHS deal introduced two years ago, figures show.

In England, treatments that included dentures increased from 38% to 48% between 2003/04 and 2007/08 and extractions from 7% to 8%.

But the number of crowns fell from 48% to 35% and fillings from 28% to 26%.

The figures also showed fewer patients being treated, despite more dentists joining the NHS after the new contract.

Overall, 27m patients were seen by an NHS dentist in England during the past two years - 1.1m fewer than the previous two years.

But at that place were 655 more dentists doing NHS work in 2007/08 than in the previous year - an increase of 3.2%.

Similar trends in the type of dental work being done were reported for Wales, although in that location was no increase in the amount of dentures fitted.

The proportion of treatments in Wales which included teeth being taken taboo increased from around 8% to just over 9% and the number of crowns felled seam from 44% to 35%.

The figures from the NHS Information Centre also show regional differences in the amount of NHS work done by dentists.

Those in South Central Strategic Health Authority washed-out 56% of their time on NHS work compared with 84% in the North East.

Contractual arrangements

The modern dental shrink, introduced in April 2006, was intended to allow dentists to spend more than time with NHS patients in a bid to make the profession more attractive.

Costs to the NHS for dental treatment increased by �56m to �531m in 2007/08 - an increase of 12% on the late year.

Tim Straughan, chief executive of the NHS Information Centre said: "These reports show the most comprehensive picture of NHS odontology to date under the new contractual arrangements.

"As a qualified dental practitioner myself, it is interesting to escort how a typical course of dental treatment is changing."

Chief Dental Officer Dr Barry Cockcroft said the figures showed NHS dentistry was "on the road to recovery".

"Our challenge is encouraging people to see their dentist for regular check ups, even if they feel they don't need to.

"There is also a perception amongst the public that there is a growing lack of NHS dentists and these latest statistics prove that there is actually more than and more than NHS odontology services possibility around the country."

But Susie Sanderson, president of the BDA's Executive Board, aforementioned there were still "significant problems".

"Those that are able to memory access care are confronted with a system that discourages modern, prophylactic care by placing targets, rather than patients, at its heart.

"The apparent change in treatment patterns is also of concern and requires farther investigation so that the impact of the new contract is fully understood."

Shadow health minister Mike Penning added that over a million the great unwashed had lost their dental practitioner and the decline was continuing.

"Ministers motivation to stop dithering, allow that their new dental contract has been a complete unsuccessful person, and take action to make expert their pledge to give everyone approach to an NHS dentist."

Has your dental practitioner performed treatments you think were unneeded? Have you had teeth pulled out when you think they could make been protected? Send us your comments using the form below:

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